
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

China donates grains to Africa worth N11.7bn

The Chinese Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi, has concluded plans to donate emergency grains and fund wotrth N11.7bn to assist Africa, reiterating the Chinese resolve to continuously contribute to the food security in African countries in partnership with other international communities, reports GlobalTimes.

He made these known in an address at the Ministerial Mini-Summit on the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa at the United Nations General Assembly's 66th Session on Saturday, noting that the drought and famine in Northern Africa is a great concern to the Chinese government.

According to him, the Chinese government woud give emergency grains' aid and monetary donations worth $70million about N11.07billion to the affected African region.

"It is the largest amount of grain assistance in Chinese foreign aid since the founding of the New China" Yang said. Read More

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