
Friday, January 20, 2012

US warns over food crisis in Sudan

The United State of America (USA) has warned of severe food crisis in Sudan, reports VOANews.
This warning came in the wake of series of denials of access to the United Nations and its aid partners, to the affected part of Sudan.
NaijaAgroNet gathered that the United State Ambassador, Susan Rice gave the warning in her letter to the President of the UN Security Council that without new and substantial aids to South Kordofan, people will eventually witness a famine.
In her letter, the Blue Nile state is also one of the states that need aids before March in order to fight the impending food crisis, revealing that nothing has happened despite efforts to urge Sudan's government to grant access to the affected areas. Read more
'Yinka Awosanya
... Linking agrobiz, people & technology

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