
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Behavioral Health: Tranquil & Quest brings facility to Lekki - NaijaAgroNet

NaijaAgroNet: ... Linking agrobiz, sustainable environs, people & technology

The Tranquil and Quest (TQ) Behavioral Health Limited, has brought state-of-the-art mental health facility to Lagos as the new office opens at Lekki, Igbo Efon of the state, reports NaijaAgroNet.
NaijaAgroNet was reliably informed that the facility, is aimed at addressing the challenges faced by some Nigerians in traveling abroad for medical exercise and treatment.
The Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the organization, Dr Henry Odunlami, disclosed this at the 5th anniversary of the establishment with the theme, "Domestic Violence in Nigeria through the Ages: Causes, Mental Health Consequences and Intervention" which held in Lagos.

Odunlami explained that, this was borne out of noticeable gaps in Nigeria’s healthcare space, and the need to have a reliable facility capable of meeting the needs of Nigerians.

Due to these gaps, he said, Nigerians travel all the way to South Africa or United States of America in pursuit of mental health care and rehabilitation services, boasting that the establishment otherwise known as Tranquil and Quest is sufficiently filling up the vacuum.

He explained that being a subsidiary of a luxury brand in the United States of America Genpsych PC , Tranquil and Quest was envisioned to take its place as a premier substance abuse and mental health facility which is second to none.

The chairman stated that within the period of the five years of the organization operations in Nigeria, a new annex was established to cater to the needs of the populace living in the heart of Lekki Phase 1, while assuring that other parts of Lagos and Nigeria as a whole are being considered for expansion as well.

Odunlami recalled that the organisation started operations in Nigeria on May 1, 2017, with multidisciplinary team of professionals which include Consultant Psychiatrist, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, and other experts in various fields.
Dr Henry Odunlami of Tranquil and Quest

He explained that the organization’s services include: adult psychiatric treatment, drug and substance use rehabilitation programme, child and adolescent clinic, psychological assessment and screening, as well as employee assistance programme.

Earlier in his welcome speech, Executive Director, Operations TQ Behavioral Health, Olukunle Adeogun said is the premier mental health and substance abuse facility in Nigeria with a mission to play a key role in total transformation of behavioral health care in Nigeria and beyond.

The director also said that, the establishment work closely with both clients and their loved ones to provide world class effective and supportive treatment in a safe and very comfortable environment that promotes recovery.

Ayo Midele/Editor


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