new report compiled by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
released at the weekend, states that African leaders should carry out
environmental and health issues at the top of their national and continent-wide
policies if growing challenges such as air pollution, vector-borne diseases and
chemical exposure are to be addressed in Africa.
African Environment Outlook-3 (AEO-3)
commissioned by the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN),
places special focus on relations between environment and health, pointing to
the fact that environmental risks contribute 28 per cent of Africa’s disease
burden. Diarrhoea, respiratory infections and malaria report for 60 per cent of
known environmental health impact in Africa.
report also highlights the lack of capacity to deal with the growing effects of
climate change; inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene. The AEO-3 Summary for
Policy Makers is planned to provide information that can assist AMCEN member countries
strengthen ability for policy making and support on national, regional and
global levels.
particular, the air pollutant with great impact on human health is of great
concern in poor rural areas, where little or no access to cleaner stoves and fuels
causes significant health impacts through indoor pollution. Air pollution in
Africa can be 10 to 30 times higher than World Health Organization limits.
Executive Director says that “Africa’s population is growing at the fastest
rate in the world and its economy is expanding at a commensurate rate, yet not
enough focus has been placed on the role environmental concerns play in
ensuring the wellbeing of this expanding, dynamic continent’s citizens,”
report highlights emerging issues and assesses trends related to environmental
change and the consequences for human health in the region, and proposes new
policy directions for enabling transformative changes for a sustainable future.
In addition, the report found that many good policies to address environmental
change already exist but are hindered by weak implementation. However, the
AEO-3 assessment points to a number of actions, which if adequately taken can
make promising policies work effectively.